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  Secondary Diabetes Mellitus 03/09/2025 2:39am (UTC)

Secondary Diabetes Mellitus                                                                        Content        Next  

The term secondary diabetes mellitus is used when hyperglycemia develops secondary to some other known disease and treatment of the primary disease alleviates hyperglycemia. The cause of secondary diabetes mellitus are as follows:-

     1) Pancreatic diseases
     2) Endocrine disorders .
     3) Drugs & Chemical induced
     4) Genetic syndromes
     5) Associated with cancers
     6) Liver diseases
     7) Chronic renal failure
     9) C.N.S disorders
    10) Insulin receptor abnormalities
    11) Stress induced

   1) Pancreatic diseases
eg.  - Acute pancreatitis/Chronic pancreatitis,
       - Chronic fibrocalculous pancreatitis
       - Cancer of pancreas specially tail region.

All of these conditions can manifest with hyperglycemia.

In acute pancreatitis - Reduced Insulin release with increased glucocorticoids, glucagon and catecholamine levels occur.

In chronic pancreatitis - Steatorrhoea, pancreatic calcification and diabetes mellitus are the chief manifestations.

Cancer pancreas:- If it involves tail region then diabetes mellitus may manifest with venous thrombosis, migratory thrombophlebitis, G.I. haemorrhage and splenomegaly. After 90% removal of pancreas
hyperglycemia occurs.

   2) Endocrine disorders : Effect of hormones on carbohydrate metabolism
         a) Adrenaline & Noradrenaline: These hormones increase and release FFA and this

             leads to peripheral insulin resistance. Glycogenolysis is increased and also inhibit   

             insulin secretion.
         b) Growth Hormone Increases insulin resistance.
         c) Corticosteroids: Increases glycogenolysis.

         d) Thyroxin: Increases gut motility and absorption of glucose. Hence hyperthyroidism is

             associated with impaired glucose tolerance.

In acromegaly overt D.M. is seen in 20% cases and manifests with only insulin resistance. In 20-40% show abnormal glucose tolerance.

Cushing's Syndrome Cushing's Disease:- Impaired G.T.T is common in this group. Elevated serum glucose leads to increased glycolysis and increase in peripheral insulin resistance. Those who have familiar predisposition become overt diabetics. (20%)

Schmidt's syndrome:- This is an association of diabetes mellitus with primary Addison's disease.

Hyperthroidism: Mild post prandial hyperglycemia occurs in hyperthyroidism due to increase in gut motility which leads to increased glucose absorption. In hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism of autoimmune thyroiditis as underlying cause, patient may show antibodies against Islet cell and develops diabetes mellitus.
Pheochrocytoiua: 50% show impaired G.T.T. in pheochromocytoma. This is due to increased hepatic glycogenolysis and reduced insulin release from beta cells due to raised catecholamines.

Liver disorders & hyperglycemia
Hemochromatosis or bronze D.M. patient presents with arthropathy, hepatomegaly, skin pigmentation, hypogonadism and congestive cardiac failure. Pancreas is damaged due to iron deposition (65%) and marked insulin resistance is a feature.
Stress induced hyperglycemia.: Myocardial infarction, cerebral haemorrhage and .severe burns are associated with increased catecholamine levels iri blood. This in turn causes reduced insulin secretion and produces peripheral insulin resistance.

Genetic syndromes
Werner s syndrome and lipodystrophy, pineal hypertrophy syndrome, and ataxia telengectasia are associated with impaired G.T.T.

Drugs & Chemicals
Steroids, thiazides, dilantin, nifedipine, diazoxide, can produce impaired G.T.T. or overt D.M. in genetically predisposed persons.

Cancer & D.M.
Chronic malnutrition and steroid therapy can cause hyperglycemia. Certain cancers are common in diabetes like pancreatic carcinoma, endometrial carcinoma and gall bladder carcinoma.

Azotemic pseudodiabetes: Chronic renal failure causes raised post prandial blood sugar due to hypokalemia and decrease insulin action and peripheral insulin resistance.
Hyper Ureceniia: Uric acid is structurally similar to Alloxan. Gout, is at times associated with diabetes mellitus.

Gestational DM.: D.M. occurring during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Diabetic status disappears with delivery, 5-10% may later become permanently diabetic. Pregnancy is associated with many anti-insulin like hormones like human placental lactogen(H.P.L), growth hormone, oestrogen, progesterone, and cortisol All these cause impaired G.T.T.

There are many clinical situations where hyperglycemia occurs transiently. Treatment of primary pathology or removal of offending agent if done then diabetic status gets completely reversed.

1. Diabetes mellitus- Daniel W. Foster, page 1980 in Harriason's Principles of Internal

         Medicine Vol. 213th Edition Me Graw Hill Incorporation, New York, 1992.
     2. Etiology of Diabetes- Stephen Podolsky- in clinical Diabetes Modern Management

        1981 Apple ton-Century-Crafts/New York.
     3. Report of WHO study on Diabetes Mellitus-1985. Technical report series 727 WHO 


  What is Diabetes?

1. Diabetes mellitus : a historical review

2. Insulin-some physiological considerations,

3. Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus

4. Pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus in young

5. Impaired glucose tolerance

6. Secondary diabetes mellitus.

7. Laboratory diagnosis and work up for assessment of complications & of diabetes mellitus

8. Oral glucose tolerance test.

9. Neurological involvement in diabetes mellitus

10. Glycation products in diabetes mellitus

11. Diabetes mellitus in adolescence

12. Diabetic keto acidosis

13. Case of brittle diabetes

14. Lipoprotein disorders in diabetes mellitus

15. Diabetes and cardiovascular system

16. Myocardial infarction in diabetes

17. The Syndrome of insulin resistance.

18. Gastro intestinal manifestation of diabetes mellitus

19. Pregnancy and diabetes

20. Skin manifestations of diabetes mellitus

21. Diabetic nephropathy

22. The diabetic foot

23. Sexual dysfunction m diabetes mellitus

24. Joint and Bone manifestation of diabetes mellitus

25. Alcohol and diabetes mellitus

26. Live: and. diabetes mellitus

27. Management of infections m diabetes

28. Diabetes mellitus and surgery

29. Canter arid diabetes

30. Diabetes in elderly

31. Non drug therapy of diabetes mellitus

32. Nutrional approaches in the management of diabetes mellitus

33. Insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus

34. Insulin sensitivity

35. Insulin resistance

36. Oral drugs in non insulin dependent diabetes

37. Lactic acidosis

38. Use of indigenous plant products in diabetes

39. Prevention of diabetes mellitus

40. Pancreatic transplantation in Type I DM (IDDM)

41. Hypoglycemia

42. Diabetes and eye

43. Diabetes mellitus and pulmonary tuberculosis

44. Pitfalls in diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus

45. Mortality patterns in diabetes mellitus

46. Diabetic education

47. Diabetes mellitus and associated syndromes

48. Diabetes mellitus: socio economic considerations

49. Obesity and diabetes mellitus

50. Proinsulin

51. C-Peptide

52. Glucagon

53. Drug induced diabetes mellitus

54. Insulin anologues

55. Insulin delivery system

56. Micro nutrients in diabetes mellitus

57. Defects in glucose metabolism in neonates

58. Sulphonylurea failure

59. Diabetes control and complications

60. Diabetes mellitus & oral health

61. Common procedures for recording data in diabetes

62. Profile of a lean Type-2 diabetes mellitus

63. Management of post prandial

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